Biography in English PDF Друк Електронна адреса

     Goldrych Oleg Semenovych was born in November, 12th, 1938 in the village of Ostrozhets’ of Mostys’kyi district in L’viv region. He studied at Ostrozhets’ and Krukenychy’s schools. Since the childhood he participated at school concerts and regional Olympiads and was more than once noted there as the best singer, reciter and dancer.
     Just in the fifth grade Oleg was at the head of the student’s school choir. It was his sister Liuba who was his first teacher of conducting, and she studied at that time in L’viv cultural-educational vocational school. When he was a teen-ager, he participated in choirs, sang duets, played in performances of a dramatic circle, recited poems and humorous stories at concerts in Ostrozhets’ village club and other culture organizations of neighboring villages. 
     In 1955 Oleg Goldrych finished the courses of conductors and choristers at L’viv cultural-educational vocational school and his teacher was Stepan Ivanovych Prokopiuk, an associate professor of the former L’viv State Conservatory named after M.Lysenko. The well-known conductor recognized the young student as a gifted guy who could become a skilled specialist of choral singing art. 
     Since 1955 Oleg Semenovych has worked at the institutions of culture in Krukenyts’kyi and Mostys’kyi districts. He was a director of a library, a manager of a club, an art-adviser of House of Culture. At the same time he did not quit working with chorus in the villages of Vyshen’ka, Chyzhevychi, Sokil and at native village of Ostrozhets’.
     From September 1960 till July 1964 Oleg studied at Choreography department of L’viv cultural-educational vocational school. While studying, he took part in chorus-studio at the L’viv State Radio, headed by the well-known music scholar and conductor Ivan Maichyk. He also participated in the united choir of cultural-educational school headed by Volodymyr Synyshyn, and then sang in male choir “Prometei” at the regional Center of Folk Art, conducted by Oleksiy Volynets’. He developed the skills of choreography art in dancing groups of L’viv Centers and Palaces of Culture such as “Mriya”, “Druzhba”, People’s Dance Companies, and in “Halychyna”, an Honored Vocal and Choreography Company.
     In cultural-vocational school Oleg learned choreography in the class of Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, the chief ballet-master of the L’viv Academic Opera and Ballet theatre named after Ivan Franko Myhailo Samiylovych Zaslavs’kyi and the ballet-dancer of this theatre Nina Tymofiivna Balukhina. On summer vacations he participated in senior year students’ concert brigades of L’viv and Kyiv art higher educational institutions, travelling through Ukraine and former Soviet Union. He was more than once awarded the diplomas for high technical, artistic skills and competence by the Zhytomyr, L’viv boards of culture and command of military units.  
     After finishing the vocational school Oleg Goldrych was appointed by Ministry of Culture of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as a teacher of special subjects at the Choreography department of this institution. While working as a teacher, he actively participated in public work of the institution, L’viv and the region. He was frequently invited for the service as a responsible secretary, member and chairman of jury of branch, district and regional republic competitions and festivals of amateur artistic work.
     The administration of the club of L’viv State University named after Ivan Franko invited O.Goldrych for cooperation: first – to be a soloist, then – a ballet-master of Song and Dance Company “Cheremosh”. In 1967 he entered the History Department of the L’viv State University. In “Cheremosh” he combined the job of a ballet-master with other work from 1965 – 1983. Since October 1983 he has organized a new Dance Company “Polonyna” at the club of the former Institute of Forest industry. Due to Oleg’s creative work, his competence and great affection to that work the dance groups “Cheremosh” and “Polonyna” received an honorary title of “People’s Companies”.
     Oleg Goldrych staged many miniatures, choreography compositions and folk dances. Among them there are the following: “Holidays in the Carpathians” (a vocal-choreography composition), “Friendship of Peoples “ (a dance-suite), “Suite of the Polish dances”, “Easter Fкte” (a vocal-choreography composition). Besides these great works, O.Goldrych is a producer of the dances: “Merry Verhovyns’ka”, “Karichka”, “Oh, I go to the Cheremosh”, “Parubots’kyi Bukovyns’kyi” and other colorful dances. The most interesting ones are the vocal- choreography compositions “Nadvirnyans’ka Hutsulka”, “Kalynon’ka” and “Verbova Doshchechka”. 
     Together with the ballet-master Pylyp Sekh Oleg Goldrych staged a great creative work – a dance composition to Jaroslav Shatinskyi’s music “Boikivs’ki Kolomyiky”, which was soon presented in a new version. The vocal-choreography composition “Bereznyans’kyi Chardosh” also experienced positive changes.
Not only Western Ukraine’s dances attracted Oleg Goldrych. In the Dance Company “Cheremosh” he staged dances of Central Ukraine as well. They are “Na Gulyantsi”, “Cossachock”, and “Podolyanochka” in the context of dances staged by Pavlo Virs’kyi. There were also dances of other nations in the repertoire of “Cheremosh”: the Byelorussian “Lyavonykha”, Moldavian “Bukuriya”, Polish “Oberek” and the others.
     While working in the dance group “Polonyna”, O.Goldrych enriched its repertoire by the dance compositions: “On Sunday in the Garden” (in the Bukovynian context); “Korchma Melet” (in the Hungarian context); “Hutsulka”, “Hopak”, “Krakovyak”, “Russian Kadryl’”. He also interpreted the staged already dances “Bereznyanka”, “Girl, where you go”, “Kryvulyak”, “Cossacks were riding” and the others. 
     Besides the activity in the named student’s dance groups, Oleg Semenovych had an opportunity to work in the Folk Center of Zvenygorod village. Collaborating with his former student, a choreographer Volodymyr Deneka he created and led two choreography groups to a high-level performing mastery: the folk dance company “Zvenygorod” and the modal children’s vocal-choreography group “Dzvinochok”, for which he picked up the original infant repertoire. In “Dzvinochok” Oleg Goldrych staged the following dances: “Cossachock in Threes”, “Hopachock”, “Na Tsaryni”, the choreography dance pictures: “Metelyky”, “Bashful boy”, “Dance with dolls” and the vocal- choreography composition “Lisoruby”.
     As well as the Dance Company “Cheremosh”, the children’s group “Dzvinochok” from Zvenygorod also became the prizewinner of the International festivals in Zelena Gora city, Poland.
     Both “Dzvinochok” and “Cheremosh” were on tour about France, Germany, Poland. The Dance Company “Cheremosh” headed by O.Goldrych also went on tour about Canada and the United States of America with Christmas program.
     While working in L’viv cultural-educational vocational school Oleg Semenovych ran the united dance group of this institution. In 1986 it became a winner of zonal competition in Rivne city and was invited to a final concert of dance companies from educational institutions of culture and arts of Ukraine that took place in Kyiv. It also became a winner there and was awarded an honorary diploma by Ministry of Culture. 
     Besides the work in vocational school and dance companies, Oleg Semenovych was engaged in collecting folklore material of his native region. 
     He was often invited to organize region and district seminars on choreography genre, and also to stage dances in choreography groups of Ternopil’, Kharkiv, Rivne and Vilnius, a capital of Lithuania. Being invited by former culture institutions’ administration of Rivne, Kharkiv and Kyiv, he conducted the lessons of the Ukrainian dance with different year students of these educational institutions. In 1991 Oleg worked at school of the Ukrainian folk dance in the city of Montreal, Canada.
     In 1996 on the invitation of the Ukrainian Dance Company “Stepy” from the French city of Lyons O.Goldrych conducted the lessons and staged the Ukrainian dances there.
     He didn’t ignore the methodological work, as well. He worked out the manual of “Composition and Dance Production” which is in use by instructors of culture vocational schools. O.Goldrych is the author of eleven works of methodics and recommendations on specialty. They are applied into practice in vocational schools of culture and arts not only in L’viv, but in other cities of Ukraine, as well.
     In 1999 Oleg Semenovych’s first book “Colors of the Carpathians” came out. It highlights the creative life of two original amateur artist groups “Cheremosh” from L’viv National University and “Polonyna” from Ukrainian State University of Forest Industry. It also describes six dances from their repertoire.
     In 2000 his second book “Cheremosh at the American continent” came off the press, and in 2002 - the third one “Songs of Native Home”, in which Oleg Semenovych collected, put down and set in order over one hundred songs of native village. In 2003 two other books were published. They are “Methodology of Work with Choreography Group” and “Choreography”. They are instructional manuals for art educational institutions and are admitted by Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine. 
     At present moment Oleg Goldrych is engaged in preparing other several books. The book “Carpathian Roar” describes eight dances of noted earlier dance groups from higher educational institutions. The second book – “Lexis of Ukrainian Folk and Scenic Dance” – contains the description of dance movements of the Western Ukraine.
     In 1995 Oleg Semenovych Goldrych was awarded an honorary title of HONORED ART WORKER of UKRAINE for the great personal contribution into enriching cultural and art legacy of Ukrainian people and high professional skills. 
     Having estimated Oleg Goldrych’s great merits as an educator and a ballet-master, the administration of L’viv Ukrainian Academic Drama Theatre named after Mariya Zan’kovets’ka invited him as a part-time ballet-master of the theatre. He worked out a choreography part to the operetta (musical comedy) “Hutsulka Ksenya” after Ya.Barnych. A spectator can see Oleg Goldrych’s choreography in the performances – “On Sunday morning I dug the poison” after O. Kobylyants’ka, “Beloved Unloved One” after B.Stel’makh, “Andrey” after V.Herasymchuk, “Uniqueness” on the basis of Lina Kostenko’s poetry, two children’s performances, such as: the opera-tale of Bogdan Yanivs’kyi the “Brave Cock”, and the fairy-tale “ Peter Pen”.
     Since 1999 Oleg Semenovych has headed dance group of L’viv Veterinary Medicine Academy named after Ye.Z.Hzhyts’kyi. For three years of stubborn work the group has got an honorary title of “People’s Company”. Now it is enriching its program with new dances and compositions. In 2002 the group took part in All-Ukrainian Art festival of agrarian higher educational institutions and received the 1-st degree diploma. It also participated in the 48th International folklore culture holiday of Slovenia’s Rusyny-Ukrainians, and in the 12th International Hutsul festival in Kossiv town.
     Oleg Semenovych Goldrych, an Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, a teacher and a specialist in educational methods at vocational school of culture and arts, a head of dance companies and a ballet-master of the theatre is full of energy and art design. He continues to create as the person who teaches everyone how to live and create the highly skilled art of choreography.